segunda-feira, 22 de junho de 2020

Os suplementos caricaturais dos jornais vão deixar de ter razão de existir.

Leaders of Duluth, Minn., are pushing to remove the word “chief” from city job titles, saying the term could be offensive to Native Americans.
Duluth Mayor Emily Larson told City Council members on Wednesday to approve the change in a vote next week “so that we have more inclusive leadership and less language that is rooted in hurt and offensive, intentional marginalization.”
Duluth community relations officer Alicia Kozlowski, a member of the Lake Superior Chippewa, supported the move.
“I think that there are other titles that we have the opportunity to use to steer away from language that may put people down based off their race or culture,” Kozlowski told the Minneapolis Star Tribune. Kozlowski said the word “chief” is “a racial epithet, and it turns into a microaggression.”
Há cousa de vinte anos, o Spielberg decidiu trocar, no E.T., as armas por walkie talkies. Está na altura de ele, de acordo com os novos sopros de vento, realizar nova montagem do "Jaws", onde desaparecerão todas as menções de "Chief" ao Chief Brody, apenas permanecendo nas versões possuídas por bárbaros e napalms anacrónicos. Bate tudo certo: as crianças de há vinte anos são agora os manda-chuva da "Geração Safe Place".